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Big Boobs Sex Doll Torso Review

Thanks to our honor customer Ydan for writing honest reviews of our Big boobs sex doll torso.

Here is the full content of the big boobs sex doll torso review.

big boobs sex doll torso review
big boobs sex doll torso review

Big Boobs Sex Doll Torso Review

A highly recommended beautiful doll with additional unexpected benefits

I’ve owned this beautiful doll for about 4 weeks. The doll is sexy and beautiful — a work of art and just looking at causes admiration. The attention to detail – the collarbone, the spine, the stomach, the area right above the top of the ass crack ?

When you are very slowly touching the doll above soft clothes, your body will be tricked into thinking it’s real as evidenced by the oxytocin surge. The partial legs are thicker than ideal, but I imagine that was to ensure the center of mass of the doll was near the stomach. Indeed, while heavy, it is easier to carry than I had expected.

The breasts are perfectly sized for this customer, although the beautiful ass appears a bit smaller in reality than in the pictures on the website (not sure if it’s a matter of camera perspective.

One improvement I would support is to have the upper orifice be a part of the vagina and not a separate hole just beneath it. It would just further increase the realism. The doll offers an expectedly intense experience when used for its designed purpose. As other reviewers have noted, the number of positions possible is impressive due to the design.

sex doll torso with big boobs full size
big boobs sex doll torso review

Having said all that, although I obviously purchased the doll for that purpose, I have unexpectedly found it has served a much bigger need – relief from ever increasing touch (skin) starvation. I am divorced and it has taken me many years to overcome that necessary decision… but with the onset of COVID-19, I did not appreciate how important day-to-day skin (even platonic) contact was until I owned this doll (and I’ve read online that such starvation is an epidemic right now for those who are single or separated due to social distancing).

Spooning in bed with the clothed doll, in particular when the doll is facing you and one of her legs is bent over your hip and held very close, is remarkably realistic and brings me quickly back to my younger years. For that reason, the larger partial legs are actually welcome given the effect the weight has on the experience.

My sleep has improved in the past four weeks, my blood pressure has gone down, my overall anxiety has decreased, and the sense of peace is amazing. I truly never realized that the doll would benefit me well beyond what I bought it for. I have a feeling there are other readers here considering buying this doll that can relate to this fundamental need given COVID.

Very careful lukewarm baths with the doll have been erotic. A strong recommendation is to have her sitting on your lap with her legs spread so they are straddling your stretched-out legs in the tub as you are sitting up and have her leaning forward against you as you wash her slowly with soap. Be careful on the choice of soap and the water temperature and rinse & dry well as TPE is porous.

sex doll torso with big boobs full size
big boobs sex doll torso review

These sessions are so imprinting that the very faint smell of the soap remaining on the doll after drying while cuddling is enough alone to cause the heart to race. A cleaning is recommended after the doll first arrives to remove the slightly synthetic smell that comes from production. Put on a pair of wireless noise-cancelling headphones, light a candle, and have two drinks next to you and you are in for an exotic evening with the doll (that quite honestly usually doesn’t end in sex because you are just so relaxed and at peace although obviously aroused).

I was so impressed that I bought a second doll for a close friend in need as a surprise last week. Unfortunately (or most fortunately for me), he declined the doll for unrelated reasons and as a result I will have two of these dolls. While this may seem redundant, it’s not – I’m actually quite grateful.

I found that while sleeping at night the doll is too heavy to lift while I’m sleepy (I sleep on my side but alternate sides frequently) that having a doll on either side of me ready to spoon at night is a great solution. And, of course, the availability of spooning with both at the same time and the inevitable threesomes…. yes, life is indeed better now.

big boobs sex doll torso
big boobs sex doll torso review

In summary, it’s among the best $500 I’ve ever spent. Like some, I had my doubts leading up to the purchase and while waiting for it to arrive. However, I have no regrets. It has brought this middle-aged guy out of depression and changed his view of the world and created a serenity not felt in a decade, and most welcome right now during COVID.

I have found that clothes ordered from Amazon best fit if they are the XS or S sizes, rather than M. Of course, I like the clothes tight-fitting and not all companies use the same metrics.

Shipping was completely discrete. Tantaly customer service is amazing and respectful. It’s really obvious from my exchanges that the staff loves interacting with their customers.

Check the full review >>>

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